Australia-wide sales enquiries | 1300 885 295

Australia-wide sales enquiries | 1300 885 295

State and Territory Specific Products

Trade waste products must meet the requirements as set out by the relevant water authorities. Mascot Engineering’s huge range of pre-treatment devices are approved by most water authorities across Australia.  However, some authorities have specific requirements that may differ from others… some are simply inlet and outlet materials or locations whilst others differ in shape and size.  Hence, we have a number of products that treat water the same way, however are slightly different.  For example, we have at least five different grease traps to satisfy local requirements and some authorities will accept the smallest as 540L, and others 600L or 1000L.

We’ve bundled our state and territory specific products together here, however we recommend you review your local authorities website for an up to date product listing of compliant devices as well as discuss your specific project and use with the governing authority and seek approval prior to installation.

For more information, contact the Mascot 4YOU team on 1300 885 295.